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# 5 Reasons You’re Not Sticking to Your Healthy Habits

By Marissa Washington

April 12, 2023

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Stop me if this seems familiar. You just set new goals to become healthier and you've been hitting the gym hard for a couple of weeks, eating more greens, feeling great about yourself and the progress you've made, and then boom, you just fall off! You have not been to the gym consistently, your diet is going back to your old ways, and overall you just lost the exhilaration that kept you going for a short time.   

How does that make you feel? Frustrated? Discouraged? Ready to give up and reach for the bag of chips instead?

Well, I got you covered. Read on to learn why you might be struggling to stick to your healthy habits and how to build a sustainable routine. 

Before you head down the path of self-doubt and disappointment, let's dive into the reasons why you're not sticking to your goals and what you can do to overcome these obstacles. 

Ready to create lasting change and achieve your health goals? 

Grab yourself a refreshing green smoothie and a journal to take notes, and let's get started.

If there is one thing you should know about me, it is I love a good routine.  I am very much routine oriented. I like to come up with a plan that works and stick to it. Throughout my 20+ years of consistently working out and having routines (morning routine, skincare routine, night routine), I have learned a thing or two about why people struggle to stick to their healthy habits. 

From my personal experience and what I have observed from family and friends is often we don’t tend to stick to our goals or habits for these 3 reasons: lack of motivation, unrealistic expectations, and not having a solid plan in place. Knowing these common pitfalls and how to overcome them is often the first step in building a sustainable routine that you can stick to long-term.

To start, let's talk about motivation. It's easy to feel excited and energized when you first set your goals, but that initial enthusiasm can quickly fizzle out when you hit a rough patch. To stay motivated, try finding an accountability partner or joining a fitness community where you can share your progress and get support from others who are on the same journey. It's also important to set small, achievable goals and celebrate your progress along the way, even the small things. 

Next, let's talk about setting realistic expectations. Many people fall into the trap of setting goals that are too lofty or expecting results too quickly. When you don't see immediate progress, it's easy to get discouraged and give up altogether. Instead, focus on making small, sustainable changes that you can maintain over time. Remember that progress takes time, and it's okay to adjust your goals as needed. In fact, I recommend revisiting your goals weekly or monthly and re-evaluate as needed. 

Finally, let's talk about the importance of having a solid plan in place. Without a clear roadmap for how you're going to achieve your goals, it's easy to get sidetracked or overwhelmed. Take some time to map out whatever you want to accomplish.  It could be mapping out your workout schedule for the month, planning your meals for the week, or setting aside time for self-care. By having a plan in place, you'll be much more likely to stick to your healthy habits over the long term. I personally love to see a nice plan written down and I can clearly see what I need to do every day to help get me closer to my goals.  (I love a good planner for this). 

Now let’s drill in more into 5 solid reasons for what may be blocking you from sticking to your routines in order to accomplish your goals. 

Reason #1. You find yourself comparing yourself to others who have already achieved their health goals, leaving you feeling demotivated and inadequate.

You must have heard that comparison is the thief of joy, right? It is so true and sometimes this gets to me. That's exactly what's happening when you find yourself comparing your progress to someone else's. It's easy to fall into the trap of looking at others who seem to be doing better and feeling like you're not measuring up.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own progress and celebrate small wins along the way. By shifting the focus inward and practicing self-compassion, we can overcome the negative effects of comparison and stay motivated on the path toward achieving our goals. Whether that is limiting social media or defriending people, do what you need to do to stay on track and focused on yourself. 

Reason #2. Sometimes You may find yourself procrastinating, putting off your healthy habits for another day.

Procrastination is a common obstacle that many people face when trying to establish healthy habits. To overcome this, it is important to identify the root cause of the procrastination. For example, fear of failure or lack of motivation can be underlying factors. One strategy to combat procrastination is to break down the healthy habit into smaller, manageable steps, making it easier to get started. Another effective technique is to establish a specific routine and schedule for the healthy habit. This helps to create a sense of accountability and makes it easier to stick to the habit. Additionally, creating a supportive environment and enlisting the help of friends or family can also be beneficial in overcoming procrastination and establishing healthy habits.

Reason #3. You don't  have a clear reason behind your goals

In order to achieve lasting changes it is essential to have a clear and specific understanding of your goals. This means taking the time to reflect on what you want to achieve and why it is important. For example, if someone wants to improve their cardiovascular health, their goal might be to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. By setting a clear and specific goal, it becomes easier to create an actionable plan to achieve it.

Without a clear understanding of your goals, it can be easy to lose sight of why the healthy habit goals was made in the first place,, leading to a lack of motivation and potentially giving up altogether. When you are clear on goals, you are able to stay focused on the bigger picture and push through any temporary setbacks or challenges.

Reason #4. Lack of Motivation

Motivation is key to sticking to a routine, and without it, it's easy to fall off track.

One way to stay motivated is to find an accountability partner. This could be a friend, family member, or even a coach. Having someone to check in with and share progress with can help you stay committed to your healthy habits.

Another tip is to focus on the benefits of your healthy habits. Remember why you started and think about how good it feels to take care of your body and mind. You could even create a vision board or write down your goals and keep them somewhere visible to remind you of what you're working towards.

If you're struggling with motivation, don't be too hard on yourself. It's normal to have ups and downs.  Just keep trying and find what works best for you.

Reason #5. You are overwhelmed at the task at hand

Feeling overwhelmed is a common experience when trying to accomplish a goal, particularly when it feels like the goal is too big or complex. 

One effective strategy for overcoming overwhelm is to break down the goal into smaller, manageable steps. By focusing on one step at a time, it becomes easier to make progress toward the larger goal. It can also be helpful to prioritize the steps and focus on the most important ones first. 

For instance, if you're looking to get fit, start by simply taking a short walk every day. Once that becomes a habit, you can slowly increase the distance and intensity of your workouts.

Key Takeaways

My goals are important to me and thinking about how I feel as I get closer to achieving them makes me feel good and that is what pushes me to work towards them daily.  

So if you are struggling to stick to your goals, take some time to understand what you want to accomplish and why, then prioritize them, and create a solid plan of action. 

Seek support along the way and stay focused on yourself and the long-term benefits. This will help you to stay motivated and committed to your goals. 

Want more motivational tips from me? You can find me on social media on Instagram and Pinterest. Hope to connect soon!  🙂