How to Get Moving and Feeling Great

By Marissa Washington

October 10, 2022

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Moving and feeling great is easier than you might think. And the benefits go way beyond just looking and feeling better. In fact, it’s one of the most important things you can do for your overall health.

A regular exercise program has been proven to reduce the risk factors for various diseases including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, stress, arthritis, and a host of others. It’s also ideal for people with diabetes because it helps stabilize blood sugar levels and keeps other organs healthy too. 

But not everyone knows how beneficial movement really is — or what they can do to get moving and feel great. This article will take you through everything you need to know about the health benefits of movement — from why it’s so important for your well-being all the way through to how you can start moving and feel great today! So how do you start to move? Here are some top tips:

Why do we need to move?

You might wonder why we need to move in the first place, especially if you are a busy person who feels that there’s not enough time in the day for exercise. As it turns out, movement is essential to life—you can’t survive without it! Moving your body on a regular basis helps keep your heart strong and protects against diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. It also releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins into your brain, which makes you happier (and may help relieve symptoms of depression). In addition, moving regularly helps preserve bone density as you get older by working muscles throughout their entire range of motion. And if that’s not enough benefits, did we mention that it’s fun?

Just get started

  • Start small: No matter what your goal is, it’s best to start with a small step. For example, instead of going for an all-out run every day, try walking or jogging for 10 minutes in the morning and then again at night.
  • Get a plan: You can make yourself more likely to stick with exercise by having a specific plan or routine that you follow. This doesn’t have to be complicated. It could simply involve scheduling workouts or any type of movement on your calendar so that you don’t let them slip through the cracks.
  • Be positive: Give yourself plenty of praise when you get moving regularly—not only will this keep you motivated but research shows it can also lower stress levels and improve self-esteem as well!
  • Work out with friends: If possible, find some friends who are also interested in exercising and moving regularly and schedule regular workouts together (for example, 3 times per week). Having someone else hold you accountable is an easy way to stay motivated throughout each week!

One Step At A Time

In order to make physical activity part of your life, I recommend making sure that you are doing something that you enjoy and that makes you feel good. For me, I get a lot of movement in when I dance all out in my garage gym listening to a compilation of workout beats. I also get moving by taking my puppy dog for daily walks.

If finding time for an activity isn’t easy on its own merits—for example, if it requires traveling far away from home—then try adding more fun into the equation by choosing sports activities like tennis lessons which provide opportunities for socializing with others who share similar interests. This can help make sure there won’t be any regrets later down the road when things start getting busy again.

We all know exercise is good for us, but it’s easy to let yourself get caught up in the business of everyday life and lose sight of the benefits. Even if you just take one step, it’s the first step on a journey to a healthier and happier life.

So, what are you waiting for? As mentioned earlier, even if it’s just one step, it’s still a move in the right direction. And if that first step is all you can take today, then take it, and don’t worry about tomorrow—just keep taking steps until you reach your destination.

Pro Tips:

Try parking in the back of a parking lot to easily get in more steps and therefore more movement. Also, If you want to increase energy levels or improve sleep quality, consider moving during times of day when these changes are most needed (e.g., early morning or before bed).