Woman Stretching

Why Warming Up is Essential Before Working Out

By Marissa Washington

December 28, 2022

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The worst thing that could happen during a workout is getting injured. Whether you're going to the gym, taking a class at your local studio, or doing yoga at home—you want to be able to feel like yourself by the time you leave. That's why it's so important to warm up properly before every single workout session. But what does warming up actually do? What exactly are the benefits of warming up before a workout? And how can you get these benefits for yourself? Let's find out!

It can prevent injury.

Warming up is so important because it can prevent injury. When your body is cold, the blood flow to your muscles and tendons is reduced. This makes them stiff, which can lead to injuries like pulled muscles and strains. Warming up helps increase blood flow to those areas before you begin exercising, so you can reduce the risk of these injuries.

Warming up before a workout also increases flexibility in your muscles and joints, meaning that you'll be able to perform exercises with a greater range of motion than if you hadn't warmed up at all--and again this reduced risk of injury!

It can prep your cardiovascular system for the work ahead

You may find it surprising that stretching or warming up is essential before you begin any exercise. While your body is certainly capable of moving muscles and joints through a range of motion, it's usually not ready to do so until your muscles have been warmed up. The increased blood flow that comes with warming up is absolutely vital for the cardiovascular system, which supplies oxygen-rich blood to each muscle group in the body. In addition to providing fuel, this influx of oxygen helps increase heart rate, improve circulation and reduce wear on joints by lubricating them with fluid.

Warming up also increases blood flow to the brain (which can help you focus), lungs (which helps maintain lung capacity), and extremities such as hands, feet, and fingers (which can prevent injury).

Bottom line - why you need to warm up

  • Increased blood flow to muscles.
  • Reduced risk of injury.
  • Improved performance.
  • Increased flexibility and coordination.
  • Improved range of motion in joints

If you're looking for a way to get the most out of your workout and reduce the risk of injury, then warming up is for you. It's an essential part of any exercise routine that will help set you up for success by preparing your body in ways that might not occur naturally. I hope this article has given you some new insight into why warming up before exercising is so beneficial.