Woman in Sauna

Why You Should Be Using Infrared Saunas

By Marissa Washington

February 8, 2023

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Infrared saunas are all the rage these days. If you haven’t heard of them yet, let me introduce you to this amazing device. An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses infrared heaters to generate heat in an enclosed room or blanket. The main benefit of an infrared sauna is that it provides a more intense level of heat than traditional dry saunas do, yet the temperature you feel is less harsh than dry saunas.  This makes it easier for your body to sweat out toxins and other impurities that have built up over time. There are so many benefits of an infrared sauna that I can’t wait to share. Let’s get into why you should consider using infrared saunas.

What are infrared saunas?

Let’s get a little nerdy first to understand how it works.  "Infrared" is a term that refers to a form of electromagnetic radiation, like ultraviolet or X-rays. It's another way of describing heat. In infrared sauna treatments, the heat from the lamps is transmitted via infrared energy. The lamps are run by electricity, and the electricity is converted into infrared energy by light-emitting diodes (LEDs). The heat in an infrared sauna is created through a light that only produces low-level heat—the high temperature that you might associate with other forms of heating, like a dry sauna, is not present in an infrared sauna.

In terms of benefits and why infrared saunas are effective is because infrared heat has the ability to penetrate human tissues and raises the core body temperature delivering a deep intense sweat, versus simply heating the surface of the skin like a dry sauna that only creates surface sweat. This is a huge benefit.  

So think of infrared heat as evenly heating your body on all sides (like a greenhouse) instead of just heating up one side at a time like traditional heaters do when they're placed inside an enclosed room filled with air molecules moving around randomly. 

It makes using infrared saunas approachable because the heat is not intense, yet we get more benefits than a dry “oven” sauna. 

Top 5 benefits of using infrared saunas 


My favorite benefit.  Detoxification is the body's natural process of removing harmful toxins from the body. Toxins can build up in your system as we eat unclean foods in our diet or even from being exposed to environmental pollutants. Because infrared saunas can penetrate deep within the body, it can help with detoxification by warming the skin and muscles, encouraging sweat production, and increasing blood flow throughout your whole body. As you sweat during an infrared sauna session, the water-soluble toxins in your sweat will be pushed and flushed out through pores in your skin allowing detoxification to take place.  

Pain Relief

Infrared saunas are a great way to relieve pain and complement the detoxification process. They work by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation, allowing the body's natural healing process to get rid of excess fluid and toxins that can lead to pain.


A key component of a healthy lifestyle, an infrared sauna has been shown to be an effective relaxation therapy. Studies have found that it can reduce stress levels and blood pressure, as well as anxiety and depression. The light will widen your body’s blood vessels and your skin’s pores, as well as coax your muscles into a loose, relaxed state. The National Library of Medicine conducted a study that shows infrared saunas can help promote relaxation that can lead to a reduction of depression and anxiety. 

Promotes deeper sleep

As you sleep at night, your body works hard to repair itself from the wear and tear it experiences during the day. Infrared saunas help by working in conjunction with your body's natural tendencies, such as increased circulation, oxygenation of the blood, and relaxation of muscle tissue. As your body relaxes in the infrared sauna, it will become much easier for you to fall asleep.

The heat from an infrared sauna gently warms us from the inside out, and this helps us get more comfortable in our own skin—which translates to better sleep. It makes sense that relaxing into a deep state of physical comfort would help us fall asleep quickly and also make for a more restful night's sleep!

While infrared saunas can help with other health conditions as well, their benefits for sleep are one of my favorite advantages. Getting enough sleep is so important for physical and mental health—it's worth learning more ways to improve your sleeping habits! Check out my blog on how to get better sleep 

Skin Purification (aka that glow)

Infrared saunas can help you reach your skincare goals. Sauna therapy is a great way to support the body's natural detoxification processes and help release stored toxins, impurities, and pollutants. 

The heat of an infrared sauna allows the pores to open up, which allows toxins to be released from the skin. The elevated level of sweating provides a gentle cleansing to the skin that rids it of acne-causing bacteria, excess oils, dead skin cells, metals, and other toxins that have built up over time. Infrared sauna therapy can benefit those who suffer from oily or acne-prone complexions by helping them shed dead skin cells faster than normal. The improved circulation helps promote healthier skin and even encourages new cell growth.

Give yourself the gift of heat

As you may have learned, infrared saunas are a great way to detox your body, promote deeper sleep, help with attaining glowing skin, and encourages relaxation. What is there not to love? I use this sauna blanket as part of my self-care routine and love how convenient it is to get the benefits right at home. I especially love it on cold winter nights.  

Woman in Sauna blanket

To experience the benefits of infrared sauna therapy yourself, you can either visit a spa or gym that offers infrared sauna therapy or invest in your own at-home infrared sauna. Having a sauna at home allows you to have unlimited, convenient access to the benefits of infrared heat at a minimal cost.  Here is to peace, relaxation, better sleep, and oh, glowing skin!  #happyflourishing