Woman working out

5 Workout Tips for Beginners

By Marissa Washington

February 1, 2023

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If you're like me, you've probably tried to get in shape before. Maybe you've recently joined a gym or made a New Year's resolution to get fit. Or maybe you've started an exercise program at home—only to find yourself bored out of your mind and quitting after just a few weeks. If this sounds like you, don't worry! You're not alone in the struggle to be consistent with working out. However, there are ways to make fitness less of a chore, especially if you’re a beginner.  Read along as I share workout tips for beginners. 

Workout Tip #1: Make it a priority

Making fitness a priority is the most important step. Here are some tips:

  • Write down your goals and share them with others. This helps you stay accountable for your actions and keeps pressure on yourself to achieve those goals.
  • Find a time in the day that works best for you. Some people prefer to exercise first thing when they get up, while others would rather wait until later in the day after work or school has ended. Figure out what works best for YOU and stick to it!

Workout Tip #2: Start small and be realistic with your goals

When starting a new workout routine, it's important to remember that you're not going to be the fittest person in the gym on day one (or month one). While it's tempting to compare yourself with others and set lofty goals of becoming an Ironman competitor or marathon runner in a few short weeks, this kind of thinking can lead to frustration and doubt when you don't meet your expectations right away.

Instead of setting unrealistic expectations for yourself and then getting discouraged when they aren't met immediately, try focusing on what you can do now instead of what you might want to be doing later. And if a goal seems too far away, break it down into smaller steps along the way until eventually reaching that ultimate goal feels more manageable than ever before!

Workout Tip #3: Make fitness a daily habit

Do you know the saying “consistency is key”? Well, it’s true. Making fitness a daily habit will help you get healthier and feel better, even if you're only able to commit a small amount of time every day. When making fitness a daily habit, you don’t need to think of it as going to the gym every day, but rather what are small things you could be doing on the days you don’t go to the gym that can get you moving?  For example:

  • Maybe start with doing a workout of choice 3 days per week
  • To supplement the other 5 days you are not doing a workout, get moving by using public transportation or walking to places instead of driving
  • Take a brisk walk through your neighborhood
  • Park far away from your destination so it will allow you to get more steps in

Once you've made fitness part of your routine, try adding more activities into each day as well as increasing the intensity level as needed (e.g., going from walking around the block once per week to three times per week). This way, even though it may seem like little has changed over time, the cumulative effect will be significant enough that both mind and body benefit from regular exercise sessions.

Workout Tip #4: Identify the activities you enjoy doing

When you think of fitness, what comes to mind? Is it the image of a gym full of people in spandex with gleaming bodies and perfect abs? Or is it something more like this: your dog running around the backyard, chasing after his ball; your kids playing soccer outside on the lawn; or maybe even just doing some yoga at home?

Whatever activity you enjoy doing, chances are that it makes you feel good and keeps you fit. It doesn’t matter whether it's a specific sport or an activity that involves movement—the point here is to find something that feels fun for YOU. Fitness doesn't have to be about competing with weightlifters at the gym; instead, look for ways to get active without feeling stressed out about losing pounds or getting ripped abs by next week!

Here are some ideas for activities that don't require any fancy equipment:

  • Do a YouTube search on beginner-friendly,  bodyweight fitness classes. Tons of options will come up
  • Try running outdoors
  • If you have a bike, take it out for a spin
  • Take the dog to the dog park and run around (you won’t even realize how many calories you can burn)

Workout Tip #5: Important Reminders

When you're beginning a new fitness plan, it's important to remember that your body is still getting used to the new activity. That means that when you first start out, you should be working your body less than usual—not more! The reason for this is that if you try to do too much at first, you're more likely to get hurt. If you listen to your body and work within your limits, you'll be much more likely to stick with it for the long haul. 

To help keep yourself healthy and safe during these early stages of a workout routine, follow these steps:

  • Stay hydrated. If you're doing physical activity at an intensity that causes you to break a sweat, then it's important to stay hydrated—the easiest way to do this is by drinking water or other non-caffeinated beverages before and after your workout. And don't forget: even if you don't feel thirsty at the moment, drinking water before or right after exercise will contribute to staying hydrated throughout the day. 
  • Warm-up. Before you begin a workout, walk around the area and stretch. Do some jumping jacks or other warm-up exercises. This gets your blood flowing and helps you avoid injury. Check out my blog where all I talk about the importance of why warming up is essential.
  • Cool down. After you're done with your workout, walk around/jog in place for 5 minutes to help your body cool down. This will prevent injury and also help prevent soreness later on. The cooldown is important because it gives your blood a chance to get the lactic acid out of your muscles so that they don't cramp or hurt later on. Totally worth it.
  • Listen to your body. If you feel like something is wrong, or if something doesn't feel right about an exercise, stop doing it! Your body is telling you that it hurts—don't ignore that

Closing Thoughts

Hopefully, this article has helped you to plan accordingly when getting started in working out. Fitness is important and can benefit you in so many ways.

Remember, everyone starts somewhere. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to change your life, so don't give up too soon! Take breaks when you need them, and ask for help when it feels like too much. I’m your biggest cheerleader and you got this!  #HappyFlourishing